March 27, 2013

  • yousuckyouchristianselfrighteousbigot

    I’ve written a few status updates on facebook between yesterday and this morning that didn’t make the cut. Some were incredibly inclusive and full of love and compassion, the rest were angry and involved words like ‘punch’ ‘cyber-smack’ ‘yousuckyouchristianselfrichteousbigot’ and things of that nature. I’m still trying to control my emotions on the topic of sexual orientation.

    You see, I have never known what it feels like to have feelings for the same sex. I’ve never thought I was in the wrong body or anything of the sort. I consider myself lucky… but only as far as society is concerned and the ease of my desires for men being totally and completely acceptable. I’ve even witnessed the pressure single-straight Christians face to marry. I just don’t know why people think it is their business. If something is right or wrong, introduce them to LOVE and love will cover every aspect of their life. (God is love) It’s not something you change in people, nor should you with your limited view ever try. It’s bigger then this stupid war of us against them or them against the ‘norm’ or however you want to say it. God is bigger than all of that, so what are you threatened by? If you ask me, you should be busy letting love change you and stop trying to change something you have never known and can’t even speak educated on. I don’t assume to understand something I’ve never experienced and neither should you. I’m not saying gay marriage is right. I’m not saying gay marriage is wrong. I’m saying let that desire to chose right and wrong for people melt away as you learn what unconditional love looks like. I’m saying it’s time that we stop trying to govern people by biblical standards that they don’t yet believe in and start governing people by LOVE. Love changes people, not laws. Law has always failed and will continue to. 

    Maybe you know the feelings of choosing your sexual orientation and you can speak on the topic, but if you don’t… please stop offending people in God’s name, you’re really really not helping anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments (48)

  • woah! very well said. I wish more people could look at the world this way!

  • I am with you on this point. They need to know Jesus died for them and He did that because He loves them—not hates them.

  • As someone who has struggled their whole life with gender identity, thank you for this! Very well said and I completely agree!

  • @thegunslingergirl - thank you, for some reason this is so darn close to my heart! I’m not sure why, but I always feel so connected to people struggling through this sort of thing… i think it’s their strength and courage that draws me into hear their hearts and understand. I admire that so much.

  • I don’t know why people open their mouths about things they know nothing about. God knows the heart. I know very good gay Christians… whether it’s a sin or not. They are exploring God on their terms. Not mine. Not conservatives. Not liberals. Not other Christians. Not other homosexuals. Their own.. because God speaks to them just as much as God speaks to anyone else.
    I posted a facebook status yesterday about this topic:

    “We should all just learn to love each other despite our conflicting
    opinions. Two people who love each other and want to be together and
    share the same benefits that a traditional married couple shares will
    not collapse society as we know it. Likewise, people who have a
    conviction against it aren’t terrible people for practicing their faith.
    I don’t get on Jews and Muslims for not eating pork, and last I knew,
    they never tried to stop me from buying it! Both sides need to learn
    what it means to be tolerant and loving.”

    As much as I get annoyed with this, I also get very annoyed with the people who claim to be tolerant saying, “If you don’t support gay marriage, go ahead and unfriend me.”

  • If love be the standard, why is the divorce rate so high?

    Don’t emotions have a tendency to come and go?  And don’t emotions mean different things to different people?

  • I don’t know that love should be the standard. It is so volatile. Love for the Bible and it’s teachings are what cause some to be so bigoted. There is no standard under the sun that cannot be twisted in some people’s mind. I wish love were a beautiful, all encompassing thing but each of us cannot help but be biased. Do you feel that you can love those terribly bigoted people?
    At this point, the best we can hope for is the preservation of human rights. We all have the right in this country to seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (although all of those can be misconstrued too)

  • If you marry, who you marry, and if you are sexually active or not, is none of anyone elses business.
    Good post!

  • If you marry any person whether it is one of your own sex or not, is not any other people’s business. You have said it well. Let people decide what they want in life. And not throw the Bible at their face. Jesus said “whoever is not of sin, can cast the first stone”. That was to a prostitute. So if Lord was so sensitive to a woman like that then he will be same to Gays/Lesbians. 

  • Loving people and accepting them into the church or your own social circle are two entirely differrent things. If openly gay, practicing homosexuals are exploring their paths to God in churches, then those churches are churches in name only. The assemblies of God are instructed to ostracize such individuals (among others whose behaviour is not in keeping with the behaviour of the body of Christ). Homosexuality is abomination to God, and it is not the role of the church to accpet homosexuality or any other sin.

    I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. (1Co 5:9-13)

    God’s word clearly identifies certain sins as being especially grievous to him, among them homosexuality. Neither I nor any christian can change that. We can believe and obey or we can disbelieve and disobey. And when such a person is identified among the brethren in the church, he or she is to be expelled in order to keep the church pure. Purge out that old leaven, because a little leaven leavens the whole lump. We’ve seen entire denominations corrupted in this very way in recent years and decades.

    That doesn’t make us self-righteous. Our faith in Christ does that and nothing else. But like Adam and Eve, who believed in God but refused to believe what he had told them when he warned them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so-called “christians” who believe in God’s existance but refuse to believe what he says are headed  for death, and anyone who wishes the gay movement well, whether they themselves be gay or not, are a partaker in their abomination:

    Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. (2Jn 1:9-11)

    Peace to all reading.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - I’m  not sure what you are getting at? are you calling love and emotion?

  • @kuai_le1011 - I think the problem isn’t love, but our ability to love well… we obviously don’t know the perfecting beauty of love… only a mockery we label as such.

  • @jmallory - oh it is certainly on both sides… for some reason though, I tend to favor the side of the oppressed… or the one who seems the most oppressed. But I would say to both sides the same thing even though my compassion is drawn more for those who are not claiming Christ.

  • @xXrEMmUsXx - Fair enough, thank you for allowing me to comment and share my point of view at your blog

  • @AOK4WAY - whether I disagree or not… you’re view is still valid and it is your perspective… no reason to not allow it  =] thanks for your input!

  • @xXrEMmUsXx - yes, our ability to love well can be questioned but my point is that what our love is fixated upon can determine how we feel about an issue. To say a blanketed statement of love fixes everything doesn’t work. Perhaps if we all thought and felt the same, it would.

  • Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.

    So flee the youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.

    2 Timothy 2:20-26

  • @kuai_le1011 - I believe love should be the source of all I do… so there is no fixation on any particular thing…

    Because I love people, I do what is best for anyone effected by my actions.Because I love myself I take care of me and better myself through life.Because I love… that is what I do… love love love… my actions are based on that and not on a fixation of something or someone.
    In my opinion, and practice, love literally fixes all things… and what it cannot fix just proves my imperfections to love rightly.

  • @xXrEMmUsXx - But we’re not talking about just you. We’re talking about everybody. People are messed up. We are flawed humans. There is no way we could love everything and everybody. I guarantee that if you were a young african girl, you would not love the man who mutilated your genitals with archaic tools, sewed your hole shut (without anesthesia) and then left you laying there bleeding.
    The concept of “love solves everything” is from a point of view of someone who has not been afflicted by the cruel or ignorant intentions of very messed up human beings. There are some who simply do not have your capacity to love and so the concept can never work.
    You seem like a truly wonderful, loving person but that is simply not the case for many.

  • @xXrEMmUsXx - This is what you said in your post:

    “I’m saying let that desire to chose right and wrong for people melt away as you learn what unconditional love looks like.”

    Do you know what unconditional love looks like for human beings?

    Dogs love unconditionally.  Are we to love like dogs?

    And why does anyone need marriage to experience unconditional love?

    Just askin’…

  • If they would call it civil union instead of trying to be in your face with the religious community, I would be much less vocal about it…… fact, if I didn’t have to hear about it from them, then I would be much less vocal about it as well.  They only want to inflame the religious community, if it was solely about equal rights, they’d be fine with calling it a civil union.

  • paragraphs please!i want to support you if i could only get past the 3-4 line without reading the same sentence again.

  • Great post. God is love: what could be simpler?

  • It comes down to why people believe something – if they believe it out of fear or to get through their day or based on authority, their belief won’t be reasonable (meaning literally they will not be open to reason).  If their belief is based on logic, evidence, science, common sense, empathy, etc then it will be reasonable. 

    If I wanted to outlaw some sex act or stop certain people from getting married (or doing anything really) I would have to come up with a good reason and argue and it would be an uphill battle to get people to agree with me and pass legislation.  But if I invoke the will of god or scripture, not only do I not have to make an argument, but any counter argument is automatically considered wrong before the person even opens their mouth to utter it.

    This is a major problem because many bad things (like racism, persecution and violence) are justified or motivated by religious ideology.  People say science and darwin promoted racism, as though the “science” a klan member promotes would pass peer review in any science journal, even in the 1800s.  It wouldn’t.  Hitler’s eugenics was literally forced, systematic inbreeding, the only reason it was put into practice is because people were not allowed to disagree, as is the case with much religious dogma.  It was, in other words, not amenable to reason.

    So if you want the world not to suck, the single best thing you can do is believe things for reasons that allow you to change your mind when you’re wrong, and don’t use beliefs as an emotional means to an end.  Because that makes people unreasonable, which makes the world suck hard.


    Sorry, I had caffeine today for the first time in like a month.

  • @Urban_Peril - Meaning god is a subjective part of the human condition rather than an external being?  God as a metaphor makes more sense to me than a literal man in the sky watching over everyone.

  • @agnophilo - Yes – See my recent comment HERE

  • @kuai_le1011 -  and I understand that… I don’t expect perfect love from anyone… but i still try to give it my best effort. I still think love is the answer.

  • what Francis said I cant believe that a person can make $9513 in 4 weeks on the computer. did you look at this site link

  • Just wanna say – Go Summer!

  • Most people spend way too much time thinking about stuff that is not their business.

  • @Urban_Peril - I too am more sympathetic to eastern conceptions of a pantheistic/metaphorical god.  I don’t like to use the word god though because it has too many misleading connotations.  Makes people think of a man with a white beard in the sky making a list, checking it twice, and keeping track of who’s naughty or nice…

  • @jmallory - So the bible is just a bunch of ideas like any other book?  Don’t get me wrong I agree if that’s what you think.

  • @agnophilo - Yes and no. I wouldn’t say “just” a book of ideas. It is a holy book. It tell the story of our faith as well as offers guidelines for proper living. One of those guidelines is to not point out the speck in my brother’s eye when I have a log in my own. I think the Bible is a wonderful book that points to Jesus, and that’s the key. I read the Bible through the lens of the Gospel, not the other way around. 

  • @jmallory - What I mean is that a statement in the bible should be treated the way we treat a statement in any other text, that we should take the good and leave the not so good.  Because the idea that the bible is inerrant and is a basis for dictating right and wrong causes a lot of problems, because the bible says a lot of things that, well, to put it bluntly, are evil by any modern standard.

  • @agnophilo - There is definitely a proper way to read the Bible, and it takes a lot of discernment. Whether people believe it or not, everyone picks and chooses, but the churches give good reasons (in most cases) for why they pick and choose the way they do!

  • I’ve heard people say nothing but terrible things the last couple of days when it comes to this topic and then claim it to be all in how God would want it. It doesn’t make sense to me. God loves everyone and some people refuse to believe that.

  • i think u r a loser piece of shit go fuck urself u dumb bimbo PUTA

  • I have to agree that I’m tired of people trying to legislate religion. I’m a Christian, but I don’t think that the government has any business defining marriage. People are free to choose who they love and who they make a commitment to. Whether or not it is a sin by Christian standards is an entirely different subject altogether and should have no bearing legally.

  • Interesting point.

    I tend to like the phrase “I respectfully disagree”
    If people aren’t ok with the concept of agreeing to disagree – some maturity needs to take place on one side or the other.
    Just my two cents. 

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - i never said anyone needed marriage to experience unconditional love,,, where did you get that from?

  • @firetyger - agreed , when we take away the choice to choose…. what is the point?

  • @ILLINOISConspiracyTheories - I’m sorry. I’m usually very good at separating my ideas in paragraphs… but i copied and pasted my FB status and didn’t go through to separate it…. although, I didn’t find it difficult to reread…

  • @jmallory - It isn’t that I don’t understand someones religious beliefs, I do.  it just isn’t the same as law and the constitution.  That’s where I have a problem.  And also, as I mentioned in my post today, some of the same arguments used to oppose gay marriage were used to oppose muti race marriage and that is obviously considered racist by today’s standards.

  • @momofjenmatt - I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. I was actually arguing for gay marriage. But I suppose it does work both ways…

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